Does what sells outweigh what is beautiful?

In the world of business, especially online, the dichotomy between what is aesthetically pleasing and what actually leads to conversions and sales is often a source of dilemmas for entrepreneurs and marketers. But how to choose the right path?

The theory behind "the Beautiful and the Sells"

The concept of "beautiful" is intrinsically subjective and culturally variable. In terms of marketing and product design, what is considered beautiful or attractive may not always align with what is functional or practical. On the other hand, "what sells" is measurable: it is reflected in sales metrics, conversion rates, and customer feedback, for example.

Consumer psychology plays a crucial role in this context. Studies have shown that while aesthetics may attract consumers' attention, it is functionality and perceived value that determine the final purchase decision. This pragmatic approach suggests that companies should balance beauty and utility, optimizing their products to satisfy both the aesthetic taste and functional needs of the target market.

Practical examples, case studies

Amazon: Features First

Amazon is an emblematic example of how functionality can prevail over aesthetics. The design of the Amazon site has never focused much on visual elegance, instead favoring a structure that maximizes efficiency and ease of use. This choice has allowed Amazon to become one of the giants of e-commerce, with a platform that emphasizes quick product searches, simplicity of the checkout process and flawless logistics.

Apple: A Balance between Beauty and Saleability

On the other end of the spectrum, we find Apple, which has expertly combined exceptional design with advanced functionality. However, Apple has also made practical choices that may not have been the prettiest (think of the removal of the headphone jack), but which have boosted sales of accessories like AirPods, proving that functionality can go hand in hand with aesthetics, but also guide crucial business choices.

Choose what sells or what we like

Strategies to balance what we like and what is functional

Know Your Audience

The key to an effective balance between beautiful and sells is a deep understanding of your target audience. Aesthetic preferences can vary greatly between different market segments, and what works for one group may not be ideal for another. Market research and A/B testing can help identify what resonates best with your customers.

Innovation and Adaptability

A company that is agile and willing to innovate is often able to find new ways to make its products both beautiful and effective in the market. Continuously evaluating and adapting product and marketing strategies based on customer feedback is essential.

Conclusion, our advice

Remember, when you are about to make a product, marketing, corporate, sales, design or UX choice, ALWAYS ask yourself what YOUR TARGET CUSTOMERS like, study the data available to you, let the analysis speak, in business IT IS NOT IMPORTANT WHAT YOU LIKE BUT WHAT DRIVES YOUR CUSTOMERS TO FINALIZE THE PURCHASE, SUBSCRIPTION ETC..
Navigating between what is beautiful and what sells requires a balanced understanding of aesthetics and functionality, with an eye always attentive to market reactions and consumer needs. In a competitive market, the ability to balance these elements can define the success or failure of a product.

Do you want to delve deeper into the topic or simply want to understand if you are making choices for the good of your company or to satisfy your aesthete sense?

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